VerbandtuchProduct no.: 1544Verbandtuch in mint condition with the original dreiecktuch inside! |
BetaxinProduct no.: 1540Betaxin Vitamin B1. I.G. Farbenindustrie Aktiengesellschaft |
Verbandpackchen 1940Product no.: 1539Verbandpackchen 1940 Paul Radatz K.G Berlin |
DRK. Schwesternhelferin BadgeProduct no.: 1536Deutsches Rotes Kreuz Schwestern helferin badge. marked: ges.Gesch |
DRK sanitatertascheProduct no.: 1537Deutsches Rotes Kreuz sanitater tasche Sanitatslager Babelsberg |
VerbandkastenProduct no.: 1498Verbandkasten in original paint !a packordnung label is placed over the original label |
Effortil ampullenProduct no.: 1520Effortil ampullen (only sold as collecters item, not to be used as medicin) |
DRK amtliches unterrichtlich über erste Hilfe 1943Product no.: 1529Deutsches Rotes Kreuz amtliches unterrichtsbuch uber ertse hilfe 1943 |
FusschweissalbeProduct no.: 1535Fusschweissalbe in prefect condition! Wehrkreissanitatspark IV. Leipzig |
Plumbin essigsaure TonerdeProduct no.: 1534Plumbin essigsaure tonerde tabletten |
Wehrmacht-Sanitats-Vorschrift 1939Product no.: 1533Wehrmacht-Sanitats-Vorschrift 1939 |
Heeres AtmerProduct no.: 1530Dreager Heeresatmer very complete ( only the filter is missing) |
Luftschutz Gladiator HelmetProduct no.: 1528100% original Luftschutz Helmet with a very nice decal , the chinstrap has a repair on one side but overall a nice helmet for display |
Field dressing 1942Product no.: 1506Bandage Gauze Compressed the American White Cross Labs inc. |
Jod Katgut 1937Product no.: 1512Jod kargut 1937. Wehrkreissanitatspark 1 Koningsberg |
FingerlingeProduct no.: 15052 leather fingerlinge (price for the set of 2 pieces) |
Knoll AmpullenbesteckProduct no.: 1515Knoll Ampullen-Besteck. hard to find item with some of its original contents! |
InjektionsnadelnProduct no.: 1525ACUFIRM. Injektionsnadeln aus rostfreiem V2A krupp-stahl. DRP |
Sander-Arterien-Abbinder 1942Product no.: 1522Sander-Arterien-Abbinder. DRP u. Auslands-patente |
Sauerstoff behandlungsgerat 38. SOLD!Product no.: 1500Sauerstoff behandlungsgerat 38 in very good and comlpete condition! |
Holz schienenProduct no.: 1501Set Holz schienen as found in the luftschutz verbandkasten |
Jod Katgut 1939Product no.: 1508Jod Katgut 1939 Wehrkreis sanitatspark IV Leipzig |
DRK sanitatertascheProduct no.: 1493DRK sanitatstasche Sanitatslager Babelsberg 19. in very good condition |
Liquifix Desinfectionsmittel-spenderProduct no.: 1494Tupfer Befeuchter fur haut-desinfektionsmittel |
Volksempfanger VE 301WProduct no.: 1492Volksempfanger in very good condition, no cracks! |
Luftschutz GastascheProduct no.: 1487Luftschutz gastasche with original insert and label inside! |
Jod Katgut 1939Product no.: 1482Jod Katgut 1939. Wehrkreis-Sanitatspark VIII Breslau |
Sanitatertasche 1944Product no.: 1470Sanitatertasche in very good condition with its original carrying strap and label inside! |
Thermometer '' Heer'' 1940Product no.: 1473''Heer'' thermometer in its original metal case! |
Luftschutz VerbandkastenProduct no.: 1463Lufrschutz verbandkasten in very good condition, with label inside! |
Jod-catgut 1939Product no.: 1469jod-Catgut. a rare one with sqaure edges! full and unopened package |
DRK sanitatertascheProduct no.: 1460Deutsches Rotes Kreuz sanitatertasche in mint condition!! stamped: SA der NSDAP Flensburg. sanitatslagerBabelsberg 10
Deutsches Samariter VerbandpäckchenProduct no.: 1456Very rareDeutsches Samariter Verbandpäckchen. The German Samaritan Association came into being in the 1880s and 1890s when the number of Samaritan courses and Samaritan associations in Germany - based on the model of Friedrich von Esmarch's courses and his founding of the "German Samaritan Association" as well as all of its member associations - It was dissolved in March 1934 as part of the National Socialist standardization of the civilian medical system and its assets were given to the German Red Cross
Instrument boxProduct no.: 1431Glass instument box filled with medical instruments,comes as is! |
Sanitater! sanitater!Product no.: 805Hitlerjugend propaganda book ''Sanitater saintater'' |
Vasenol wund und Brandbinde 1939Product no.: 1415Vasenol wund und brandbinde 16-05-1939 |
Sanitatstasche for medical officersProduct no.: 1310A near mint artzt tasche, sanitatstasche for medical officers this is one of the best i have ever seen! PAUL KLOPFER BERLIN 1939 |
Luftschutz sanitatertasche 1939Product no.: 1412Gastasche Luftschutz. Eckart Ulm 1939 |
VerbandtuchProduct no.: 1399Verbandtuch/dreiecktuch schwarz. , i have found a lot of 8 unissued verbandtuchen in mint condition! a perfect item to complete your verbandkasten! (only 5 left!) |
Box Tabl.solventProduct no.: 1394Metal box for sanitatskasten in very good condition! |
Cinema slide DRKProduct no.: 1393Very rare DRK cinema slide in glass '' Die heimat hilft die verwudeten soldaten'' kriegshilfswerk 1943. 9x9CM |
Leinenzwirn 1941Product no.: 1380Keimfreier Leinenzwirn Wehrkreissanitatspark VI |
Dr. Hassencamp's inhallationsapparat MEDICATUSProduct no.: 1382Dr. Hassencamp's inhallationsapparat MEDICATUS |
VerbandkastenProduct no.: 1275Verbandkasten with original paint and label inside, one clasp is broken, but overall in very good conditon! |
Luftschutz verbandkastenProduct no.: 594Luftschutz verbandkasten 1939 in very nice condition and label inside! |
Entfettete WatteProduct no.: 1377Entfettete watte Wherkreissanitatspark VII Munchen |
Original Record spritzeProduct no.: 1359Original Record spritze in unused condition! |
Brandbinde 1939Product no.: 1353Brandbinde 1939 Paul Hartmann A-G Heidenheim ( has some damage!!!) |
8 Mullbinden 1944Product no.: 13478 Mullbinden Wehrkreissanitataspark VI. Osnabruck. aug. 1944. (price per piece!) |
Verbandpackchen 1941Product no.: 1350Verbandpackchen 1941 E Nolde & Co. Konigsberg |
Luftschutz sanitatertascheProduct no.: 1113Luftschutz sanitatertasche in very good condition with original label inside: CONRAD SCHOLTZ aktiengesellschaft. RATHAUS-APOTHEKE ADOLF-HITLER PLATZ 19 |
Bismut subgallicProduct no.: 1335Bismut subgallic ( price per piece). wehrkreissanitatspark XIII |
SS tube alkalische augensalbeProduct no.: 1321very rare SS tube, but has some damage marked: SS hauptsanitatslager
10 Keimfreie Mullstreifen 1940Product no.: 1302Keimfreie mullstreifen Wehrkreissanitatspark XIII |
Glass bottle waffenentgiftungProduct no.: 705Glass bottle waffenentgiftung complete with the hard to find brush ! |
Personalausweis Wehrmacht SanitaterProduct no.: 1272Leinen personalausweis wehrmacht sanitater Otto Andernach |
Bardella wund und BrandbindeProduct no.: 1263Bardella Wund-und brandbinde ,unopened! |
Brandbinde NS FliegerkorpsProduct no.: 1242very rare Wismuth Brandbinde N.S. Fliegerkorps |
Chemisch reiner VerbandmullProduct no.: 1237Chemisch reiner verbandmull ( 21x 10CM !) price per piece |
verbandwatte 1944Product no.: 1228Verbandwatte 1944 Paul hartmann A.G. (price per piece!) |
Verband Watte 1938Product no.: 1233Verband Watte Richter & Co. Verbandstoff Fabrik Berlin-Charlottenburg 2 1938 |
Sanitater patchProduct no.: 1219Very nice sanitater patch, maker marked: TH & ST |
Instrument pouchProduct no.: 1213Instument pouch in very good condition, no markings |
Werkluftschutz Zusatz verbandkastenProduct no.: 037Werkluftschutz Zusatz verbandkasten in very good condition |
Swedish bandage Fetvadd 1944Product no.: 1158Fetvadd swedish bandage 1944 A.B Wilh. Becker Stockholm |
Entfettete watteProduct no.: 1143Entfettete watte 26 juni 1943 Chemnitzer verbandstoff- Fabrik Theodor Schuffenhauer, Chemnitz |
16 Mullbinden 1940Product no.: 100416 Mullbinden Wehrkreissanitatspark XIII Wurzburg 1940 |
Vasenol Fusspuder ArmeepackungProduct no.: 1204Vasenol Fuss-puder armeepackung (price per piece) |
Swedish Bandage Bomull 1942Product no.: 1165Bomull 50 gr. A.B. Wilh. Becker Stockholm 1942 |
SalvarsanProduct no.: 1200Salvarsan very rare and unopened package (price per piece) |
M34. DRK helmetProduct no.: 1133Deutsches rotes kreuz helmet M34 Square dip with the pointed decal , a very hard to find 100% original helmet the liner is stamped with maker mark and DRGM |
Aesculap sterilizerProduct no.: 1130Aesculap sterilizer for medical instruments (instrumentenkocher) |
Vasenol Wund u Brandbinde 1938Product no.: 1111Vasenol Wund U Brandbinde 13-6-1938 |
Vasenol Deutsche Reichsbahn 1940Product no.: 1110very rare Vasenol Wund U Brandbinden Spezial-Packung fur die Deutsche Reichsbahn dated: 10-8-1940 |
Bardella BrandbindeProduct no.: 794Bardella brandbinde (has a little damage on one side!) |
Frachtbrief Deutsche reichsbahnProduct no.: 1107Frachtbrief Deutsche Reichsbahn 1939 |
medical instrument aesculapProduct no.: 152medical instrument 12 cm used in the truppenbesteck and hauptbesteck marked: aesculap |
Verbandpackchen 1941Product no.: 1069Verbandpackchen 1941 Emil Kober (price per piece) |
16 Mullbinden 1940Product no.: 1095Large package (17x13CM) 16 Mullbinden 1940 Wehrkreissanitatspark XIII Wurzburg |
Vasenol PuderProduct no.: 532Vasenol Wund und Kinder Puder in very nice condition! |
1 Binde von festen ungestraftem Mull 1938Product no.: 10731 Binde von festen ungestraftem Mull 1938 |
5 stuck SicherheitsnadelnProduct no.: 10755 stuck Sicherheitsnadeln 1940 Wehrkreissanitatspark IX Kassel |
FrostheilsalbeProduct no.: 1030Frostheilsalbe Wehrkreissanitatspark XIII Wurtzburg-H. |
Verbandpackchen 1944Product no.: 1021Verbandpackchen 1944. W. Sohngen & Co. Wiesbaden |
Entfettete WatteProduct no.: 101950 Gr. Entfettete watte W.Sohngen & Co. Wiesbaden |
EinheitstablettenkastenProduct no.: 952Einheitstablettenkasten very rare in this nice and complete condition , has all the tubes,( but no medication! ) |
DRK Amtliches UnterrichtsbuchProduct no.: 960Deutsches Rotes Kreuz Amtliches Unterrichtsbuch uber erste Hilfe |
500 Keimfreie MulltupferProduct no.: 1002500 Keimfreie Mulltupfer Wehrkreissanitatspark VI Osnabruck. large package (22x18CM) in very good condition! |
ArrmbindeProduct no.: 944Feuerwehr armbinde that has been modified to a sanitater armbinde, comes as i found it in a verbandkasten |